Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Saat ku msuk waD...

29th until 31st august ak msuk wad kat PUSRAWI, Kuala Lumpur..

kt left wrist ak ad satu ktmbuhan n doct pnggiL bnd tue 'Ganglion' gang lion lak bunyi nyee..haha..


ak b'tolak dr c2 pkul 7 pg.. adek ak, akim antr ak kat bangi station komuter then ak 2run kt putra.. biase klu ak g Pusrawi mmg ak naek taxi dr dsbbkn pg tue ramai sgt yg nk pg keje ak kena la b'dri..bygkn dr bangi ke putra ak b'dri..huuu lame..nk dkt sejam lebih..isk..camne la org yg g keje by komuter tiap2 hr kn?? mst tiap2 hr b'dri klu x dpt seat... da smpai sane ak jln kaki smpai dpn the mall coz ak nk naek taxi dr c2..nk dkt 15mnit ak tunggu tp x dtg2 jg taxi.. tetibe dtg la 1 taxi nie, ak tnye la leh x pg jln tun razak, pusrawi..then dy kate jln tutup la dik utk smbut merdeka nie.. klu nk pg gak adik kna la byr rm20..huh!! nmpk sgt nk amek kesmptn..pdhal slalu ak pg c2 x smpai rm20 pon.. x lebih rm5 pon..x pe2 nk tipu ak la 2 driver taxi ak decide nk tunggu taxi laen..pdhal mase 2 da nk dkt pkul 9 coz ak kna dtg sne b4 pkul 9..

lps tunggu lg 10 mnit, dtg la 1 lg taxi n ak pon tahan la taxi tue..ak bgtau la mane ak nk g then pakcik tue pon srh ak msuk..on the way ke sane ak tgk jln clear je..langsung x de yg tutup..huh nsib baek la x naek taxi td tue..klu x, x psl2 ak kna tipu..nape la org nk cr rezeki pon nak tipu2.. camne la nk berkat idup..ish ish ish..

then smpai sane ak pon uruskn la procedur ak msuk wad..da bsr2 nie wat sndiri je..x pyh nk sruh mak n ayah dtg..lgpon dyorg keje hr 2 n mls ak nk nyusahkan parents ak yg baek nie.. hehe.. ak msuk wad Darus Salam tingkt 5 blik num 2.. dlm wad tue ad 4 katil n tmbh ak br msuk smue katil nie penuh dgn patient including me... kat c2 ak tmbh lg kenalan br..biase la ak nie friendly.. haha..promote dri lak..

sblh katil ak nie naddia namenye..umr dy br 21..sebaya adek ak, kat uniseL..sian dy kna denggi..da 2 hr dy kt c2..dpn katil naddia lak, mak cik wan mashitah.. dy lg la da 8 hr dlm wad..asma yg mse ak msuk tue kre dy da ok..peramah banget makcik nie..sempoi sgt2.. umr dy 42..then sblh katil makcik wan, kre dpn katil ak la, mak cik ramlah.. dy nie pon asma asma dy nie smpai allergic..x leh mkn sembarangan food..klu x abes bdn dy bengkak2..ish mcm2 la pnyakit asma nie..huhu..ak pon ad asma je dpt..isk isk... sedey2.. tue la dy penghuni blik num 2..haha..dyorg smue friendly n happening..

mse tue br pkul 10 pg.. x lame 2 doct azmi (yg rawat ganglion ak nie) dtg check ak.. dy tnye ak da breakfast ke blom..ak bgtau la blom coz ak puasa..da nk operate kna la puasa since mlm 2.. doct azmi kate lmbt lg awk operate..awk jd patient last sy coz awk nye operation nie minor case doct sruh ak breakfast...haha..mmg ak lapaQ mase 2..

x lame doct azmi pg, dtg nurse lelaki..hurmm..nk pnggil ape eh klu nurse lelaki nie..br0 kot.. (^_^)..dy srh ak shave bulu roma ak kat left hand ak nie..hah pae lg t'kejut ak ble dy srh ak shave..ahh tidak skali2 ak nk shave!! ak pr0tes 10o% ape yg dy srh wat 2.. then kate nnt d0ct ssH nk buang 'ganglion' ak nie..then ak bgtau 'ganglion' tue kt wrist je..bkn sluruh tgn.. then dy tgk tgn ak n kate "nsib baek bulu roma awk x lebat sgt.." uishh..siot tol statement dy kre slamat la left hand ak nie drpd kna shave..klu kna abes lebat la bulu roma ak sblh kiri nie..huuu tidaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk!!!! HODOH jd nye bg seorg gaDis cam ak nie..huhu.. i can't imagine it..

then ak d bw ke blik x-ray c0z ak kna x-ray chest ak..gara2 ak ad asma, d0ct srh wat x-ray.. then lps x-ray ak pg cafe utk breakfast..ak 0rder mee kari mase tue..huu pekat banget kuahnyee...lps mkn ak naek wad blk..on da way nak g wad ak singgah jap dentist clinic..haha smpat lg nk b'jln2..ak nie mmg kaki jln..ape tah lg da boring sgt2.. ak pon pkir alang2 ak da ad dpn dentist clinic nie baek ak check gigi ak..da lame gak ak x wat check up nie.. then ak pon register kat klinik tue..doct gigi tue pon bersih kn la ape yg patut dlm mulut ak nie..hehe.. ak nie mmg m'utamakn gigi ak..nnt senyum, nmpk la gigi ak yg putih n bersih nie.. hahaha... ak tnye la ad something la kat blakang gusi kanan sy nie..doct pon check n dy kate gigi bongsu ak br nk tmbuh..alamak!! ak da x leh tinggi lg la nmpknyee..hehe..

then lps abes check, ak pon blk la wad n naddia bgtau ak yg nurse cr ak coz nk srh ak tukar bju patient n nk bg ak neubelizer.. dy kate ak nie nk kna operate pon leh jln2..dy tnye ak x nervous ke..huhu ak ckp la ak nie c0ol je..hehe.. then ak pon tukar la bju patient..

x lame 2 dtg lak doct pakar bius utk check ak..dy tnye ble last ak mkn n ak mkn ape.. ak bgtau la ak br je lps mkn mee kari..mse tue pkul 11.30 pg..start jam tue ak kna puasa..

da pkul 4 lbeh n ak da mle lapar..ak cam da x sbr ble la turn ak nk operate nie..perut ak da mle bunyi2..huhu..x lame tue dtg nurse ajk ak g blik x-ray blk..ak pelik coz ak da g pg td.. skali ak jmpe lg staff yg x-ray ak pg td..dy kate d0ct suspect ad something inside lung ak so dy nk x-ray lg skali coz nk wat comparison between x-ray pg td.. lps x-ray ak blk ke wad..

pkul 5.30 nurse dtg nk bwk ak g blik operate..mse ak baring dlm troli..ceh cam sakit berat2 je..huhu...ak siap intai2 lg floor bpe blik operate tue coz mse 2 ak tgh baring jd cam x nmpk sgt dy tekan button lift bpe.. da smpai blik operate ak kna tunggu dlm blik tue 15 mnit.. sejuk sgt2 dlm blik tue..nsib baek ad comforter.. then ak t'dgr suara lelaki merintih kesakitan...ak pon tgk la..ak tgk lelaki yg br lps kna operate..uihh..bunyi org 2 merintih pnye la sakit sgt2 je.. heee takut ak..x pnah ak dgr org lelaki yg merintih kesakitan yg cam 2..t'ngiang2 lg kat halwa telinga ak nie..huhu..ak pon tnye la doct pakar bius tue coz tugas dy take over keadaan patient lps operation..

then, ak lak yg kna bwk msuk dlm blik operate.. x lame tue ak da x sdar pape.. sdar2 je ak ad dlm blik mnuggu td..then ak rse denyut2..upenye ak da kna operate.. pening banget ak mse 2 coz ksan kna bius nk rse sakit sket kt tgn ak.. doct nk pastikn ak sdar bt0l2 br ak dbw msuk ke dlm wad blk.. ble ak da stabil br la ak msuk wad.. ble da smpai dlm wad, ak tgk jam pkul 7.45... mse tue mmg x tau nk ckp ape lah..ak rse mual perut ak lapaq sgt2..haha leh pkir nk mkn mse 2.. x lame tue dlm pkul 8 sku parents ak dtg tgk ak..ak tnye leh mkn x coz mak ak bwk kuih..nurse tue kate x leh mkn coz bdn ak x stabil lg.. lps 4 jam br leh mkn.. bygkn la pkul 11 lbeh br ak leh mkn..sbr je ak mse tue.. tetibe ak rase nk muntah n ak trus g toilet dgn keadaan ak yg x bpe btul sgt mse 2..ak pon muntah tp kuar air je..eaww...ak mmg x ske ble vomit nie.. ahhh..geli ak..huhu tp lps je ak muntah kepala ak rase ringan sgt n pening pon da x sgt..klu x mmg ssh nk bgun..asyik nk baring je.. parents ak spent their time 1 hour dgn ak.. then dyorg blk umah..

lps parents ak blk, ak pon t'tdo dgn perut yg lapaq..dlm pkul 12 midnite, nurse kejutkn ak..srh supper coz dy tau perut ak nie lapaq..hehe..ak pon mkn la roti yg dy bg n kuih yg mak ak blikn..
alhamdulillah, at least x de la ak tdo dgn perut yg ksong..


subuh dlm pkul 6 nurse kejutkn ak coz nk msuk kn antibiotik dlm bdn ak..dy msuk gne jarum yg smemangnye da t'lekat kat tgn ak nie..iskk...sakit banget..pedih sgt ble ubt tue msuk dlm blood ak..ish..terase ak smpai skrg..

hr nie naddia n makcik ramlah discharged coz dyorg da x sbr2 nk blk umah w/pon dyorg x leh blk sbnrnyee..ak pon b'lagak la yg ak pon leh blk gak.. ble doct fazilah (doct yg rawat asma ak) check ak dy bgtau ak "kalau sy x bg awk blk lg bleh x?" mksudnye dy nk srh ak tnggl dlm wad lg la 2..skali ak bgtau la ak nk blk..then dy kate ok la tp dy akan tmbh ubt coz asma ak nie agk teruk gak la...then dtg doct zanariah(ganti doct azmi coz hr 2 doct azmi cuti) check ak..dy lg la x bg ak blk coz tgn ak bengkak n takut klu ad pape effect klu ak blk n nnt x de jagaan rapi klu ak blk..nak x nak t'paksa la ak stay 1 nite lg dlm wad..mak cik wan pon same kna tahan lg.. x dpt permission nk blk..da la mak br call ajk ak blk umah coz nk ajk puasa 1st kt umah..tue yg wat ak nk blk mse 2..redha je la..

so hr sab2 tue ak n makcik wan je la dlm wad.. ak pnye la boring mse tue..da la battery phone nk dkt out of battery..ak n makcik wan hr tue asyik b'jln2 je kat hosp koperasi la, tgk wad org laen la..haha..bosan pnye pasal..nsib baek makcik wan nie sempoi je..

ptg tue pkul 2 ak kna wat x-ray yg d pnggil CT Scan..coz doct nmpk 2 hole inside my lung.. so nk wat CT scan utk check bt0l2.. b4 wat CT scan ak kna msuk kn ubt ape ntah dlm darah ak..coz takut effect asma ak mase wat.. ble da sampai sane ak pon wat la CT scan... lame sgt ak kat dlm 2.. skali doct kat c2 msukkn lg ubat ape ntah lg dlm drh ak nie..eiiii sakit sgt mse 2..sampai ak nangis dbuatnyee.. ish..ssh gak nak wat CT scan nie.. lps wat CT scan ak pon blk ke wad, solat dlu (ak wat jama' takdim) n tdo smpai la pkul 4..

pkul 4.30 tue ak tgk tv kt dpn..cte ape ntah kat astro..john gak cte nyee..
smpai la pkul 6 sku..then mkn..huh..keje ak kat c2 mmg la x de wat pape..mkn org sediakn, ubt pon org sediakn..smue org sediakn..tdo je la ak kat c2..x pon jln2 kt dlm hosp.. ish..nsib baek smpai ahad je ak kat c2..klu lame mmg la boring sgt2..

pkul 7 ak call cousin ak, wan coz nk mntk tlong dy antrkn charger dy lak br nk msuk keje..klu dy antr pon x gne gak coz ak n dy gne phone brand laen..dy tnye ak asal x bgtau dy awal2 yg ak x msuk wad..ak jwb la bkn bnd bsr pon..ak nie cam duk dlm hotel je..just dlm nie special sket la coz ad org layan..haha..

mlm tue mlm merdeka n makcik wan ajk ak celebrate merdeka..ak tau dy maen2 je..mane la nk celebrate merdeka dlm wad nie..nsib baek Pusrawi nie leh nmpk kL Tower dr tngkp waD ak.. ala..klu merdeka pon mane la ak nk celebrate sgt..ak x trase pon nk celebrate coz merdeka kah kita nie as 'Malaysian'?? mLm tue ak siap2 baring2 lg ats tgk bnga api dr katiL ak je la.. coz mmg nmpk sgt dr tingkap wad ak.. ak pon x sdar ak tdo pkul bpe..tgk2 da ad org selimutkn ak..nurse kot..huhu..

31st august

hah hr nie mmg ak x sbr2 nk kuar wad, so ak da sent msg awal2 kat akim srh amek ak..then nk blk sg.besar..ish mmg x sbr la ak mase 2..lps breakfast ak t'tunggu2 mane la doct nie x dtg2 lg.. coz klu dy da dtg leh la dpt permission kuar wad.. dlm pkul 11 sku doct pon dtg..dr azmi da bg kbnrn utk ak kuar wad n ak tunggu dr fazilah lak nie..x lame tue dr fazilah pon dtg n jwpn yg same gak dgn doct azmi..haha ak da bleh kuar hr niee.. lps 15 mnit doct fazilah dtg, adek2 ak (akim n aiman) pon dtg dgn najib (cousin ak)...nk tunggu procedur kuar wad pnye la lame.. da pkul 12 sku dyorg da gelisah duk dlm wad nie..x pkir ak yg duk 3 hr nie..lg la bosan sgt.. akim da bebel2 mane la lmbt sgt...aiman pon pg la kt kuanter nurse dpn tue n tnye lame lg ke..nurse tue kate tunggu doct fazilah round patient dlu coz dy nk sdiakn list ubt tmbhn asma ak.. pkul 2 br leh kuar wad..

sambil2 tunggu procedur wad, akim tetibe nk wat gilee..nk srh ak tngkp pic dy yg konon2 nye dy nie pesakit yg da nk nazak..haha..muka cam bkn patient langsung.. lps tgk akim b'gmbr dgn pelbagai aksi n mase tue ak, najib n aiman mmg gelak gyle2 coz x tahan tgk akim nye aksi.. haha.. lps tgk akim b'gmbr, najib pon nk jg ikut cam akim..kate nye nk ltk pic tue dlm friendster..nk display pic tue..ish ish ish..sje la 2 nk wat frenz dy t'tnye2.. lps najib, aiman turn la..x bleh klu sorang wat mst smue nk wat jg..haha..nsib baek ak pon x wat.. kuikuikui..nie ak nk tnjuk antara aksi2 dyorg kt cnie..


>>nie cousin ak >>najib<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>

>> nie adek ak num 3>>aiman<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>

>>nie adek bwh ak>>akim<

mcm2 la dyorg nie...hehe..

wak2 lunch ak sorang je mkn coz x de lunch yg dsdiakn utk dyorg..t'liur dyorg tgk ak mkn coz dyorg sememangnye ble ak ajk x nk..jual mahal kate mknan dlm hosp x sdap..huh ye la 2...sedap je ak rase..hehe..

lps lunch ak da bleh blk..mse tue pkul 2.30... on the way blk umah, ak srh akim singgah kat kapar coz ak nk blanje dyorg mkn pizza la esk da nk puase, lgpon da lame x mkn pizza....

tue je la yg dpt ak ceritakn pngalaman ak spanjang ak dlm wad...pnjg gak eh..nsib baek 3 hr je.. klu smggu jenuh ak nk tulis dlm blog nie..hahaha..ok wait my next story k...

Final Exam!!

Hurmm.. exam da start!! ble la nk abes nie..x sbR2 nak bLk kpg nie!!! raya!!! camne lah JAP leh tukar exam schedule d saat2 akhir nk start exam..kelam kabut ak n emi..nsib baek la kt0rg x misSed exam..klu abeS b'msLh la kt0rg nnt n smemangnye kt0rg agk b'msLh..hehe.. ye la stuDent nEtw0rking yg sLumbeR skali ak, emi, kak nana n abg Din.. ish ish..camne lah leH jd camniE!!!..
nie la member2 ak yg sLumBer tuee.......

>>emi_Li (ore kLate)<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>

>>abG diN (org s.aLam) ank sedara ustaz ak kt sk0l meN upenye<<


>>kak naNa (orG bent0ng, phG) housemateS ak gak..hehe..<<

nie la dy antara coursemates yg rapat ngan ak..sbb course ak especially seM ak nie mmg sket.. da la ktorg senior la 2 dlm course networking nie..hehe.. dyorg nie smue lg tua drpd ak.. kak nana n abg din sebaya>>1984 n emi lak 1985.. kre ak adek la nie..haha

ok gang!! slamat m'jwb exam d bln ramadhan yg penuh keberkatan nie..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bukit Merah Laketown Resort

Bukit Merah Laketown Resort
is well know for it’s waterpark, although I think it has other goodies to offer too such as Ecopark, and Orang Utan Island. I have been to the Waterpark, Ecopark and Orang Utan Island.

It's such interesting place! I went with my close friends mus, min n yan.. Actually before we go to Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, we went to Lost World of Tambun, Ipoh. I've been there twice.. haha.. Then we decide to go to Bukit Merah Laketown Resort.

This is a happening place with various of activities, especially during a festive season. At one corner, we have some clowns playing some nift tricks. At another corner, there were some naughty children playing at a water fountain.

Tickets are price at RM21 for adult, and RM16 for children. It's for waterpark price. If your height is below 90cm, then you are in luck, you get free entry!

Me and my friends takes Waterpark Combo Package includes the following:
1 entry to Waterpark, Ecopark, Orang Utan Island, Chairlift or Skycycle Ride. Tickets are price at RM30.00 and RM29.00 for children above 90cm. Below 90cm is free.

The main attraction of the park - the actual Waterpark.

Let’s check out some of the fun attractions there. This one is called the Giant Wet Bubble.

Basically you hike to the top of the bubble with the help of a rope. Whoever gets to the top first has the advantage to shake the others off from the bubble… This is one of the major attractions there and a long queue is expected.

River rides, suitable for the young and the old. Usually you ride on a floating tube - which you can hire from the counter at RM10 a tube.

This one I think is a little too fast for me… I better find something not so thrilling. Ah, the activity pool should be nice :).

Activity pool, with a rain simulator.

Dare or not?


Welcome to Mother Nature's favourite holiday attraction - the Bukit Merah Laketown Ecopark. A 3-acre eco-friendly sanctuary, the park features three large enclosures the Bird Park, Reptile Park and Tropical Trek, where rare indigenous and exotic bird, reptile, primate and mammal species roam freely in their natural habitat.

The Ecopark is a complete research, breeding, education and tourism facility that promotes a "Say Hello to Nature" concept where visitors are encouraged to interact with the animals in their natural habitat.

Animal Show
Come see intelligent exotic animals respond to their keeper's commands. Showtimes: 11.00am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm, 4.30pm.

Hand pedal our colorful Skycycle and take a unique 200m mid-air tour across the tropical rainforest.Take in the breathtaking view and a take closer look inside the Pet's Park corner.

Another way to explore the native rainforest, this time through pedal power! Another first for Malaysia, this attraction is an elevated monorail through the tree canopy that allows riders to have a birds eye view of the surrounds and deer enclosure whilst pedaling your own special car

Bird Park
Experience macaws, cockatoos, spoonbills, swans, bullbuls and starlings feeding from the palm of your hands, in lush green surroundings.

Tropical Trek
Mingle with friendly playful mammals, squirrel monkeys, otters, capuchin and gibbons.

Reptile Park
Walk alongside iguanas, monitor lizards, tortoises, cobras, vipers, mangrove snakes, owl and brahminy kites. Or take a memorable snapshot with giant pythons!

Pets Park
Feed and pet some small and domesticated mammals at the Pet's Park, deer, rabbits, guinea pig, hamster, while mice, rats, sheep goat. You can also view some noctumal mammals in their semi natural habitat, e.g. sugar glider, slow loris, etc.

Feeding Talk
Watch friendly otters perform tricks as you interact with them and feed them in their natural surroundings.

Orang Utan Island

Tucked away on the 35-acre Pulau Orang Utan, Orang Utan Island is the world's first and only 5-acre rehabilitation and preservation facility where Orang Utans roam free. The unique island serves as a breeding sanctuary as well as conservation, research and education center to better understand this endangered species.

Venture from the main jetty at Marina Village and wait for the lake Cruiser to ferry us to the Orang Utan Island. It's just a 10-minute boat ride across, and boats leave every half hours.

At the island, we were taken through a 100-meter steel walkthrough 'cage tunnel' to come up close and personal with these primates. In a twist, we were enclosed in a 'cage' as us observe the Orang Utans roaming free in their natural habitats. Two baby Orang Utans are the stars of the island. We've been able to interact with them nin the tunnel.

Way to main jetty at Marina Village.

Actually the pictures at Waterpark i was take at because i was kept my camera inside the locker.. We felt so excited to played there!

Me and my friends...

(At Marina Village Jetty)

(The direction)


(Center of Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort)

For those who are interested to get to Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, it’s pretty easy if you use the North-South Highway. Just make sure you don’t miss the Bukit Merah Lake Town exit. The journey to the park is approximately an hour from Ipoh, and 35 minutes from the Penang Bridge.

Kellie's Castle, Batu Gajah

I've been there. What's so special about it? It's rich building material and it's wondrous architecture. Oh, and its history too, of cos!

My family and I stumbled by accident from a trip home from Ipoh (Perak). We went to Ipoh from our family day at Lost World of Tambun and on our way back, took a wrong turning that lead us through the more scenic coastal roads instead of to the PLUS North-South Highway...

Kellie's Castle, Batu Gajah (Perak) is built on a low hill. There's a river separating the Castle from the main roads and there was a bridge that needs to be crossed before hiking up (there's a man made fo
otpath) the low hill to reach the Castle grounds.

Entrance fee is RM4 per adult. There are special rates for students and children but I couldn't be bothered to take note of those as I wasn't eligible for those special rates.

Kellie's Castle belongs to William Kellie Smith, one of Malaya's (before Malaysia declared Independence, the country's called Malaya) earlier settler, is an extension to his bungalow called "Kellas House". The Castle is built using bricks and well-planned ventilation while his bungalow was just a big yellow house (lying in ruins now from the WWII) with no known vent

It is believed that the Castle was built because Kellie's wife, Agnes, claimed that Kellas House was way too hot to live in during the afternoons, hence the "Love Castle Project".

Kellie's Castle was never finished because Kellie died before his "Project" could be completed.

There were to be a bucket elevator (the first of it's kind in Malaya), a rooftop party/entertainment area and also a tennis court. Because the Castle was never completed up to those stage, the elevator shaft looks like a "drop and you will die" square hole (as it runs up to six storeys high) and the party/entertainment area coupled with the tennis court looks like a helipad. :lol:

Kellie and Agnes had two kids, Helen and Anthony. Their rooms in the Castle is located next to the Master Bedroom
and there's an "emergency exit stairway" in Helen's room.

While I was there, there were two Guest Rooms, a Wine Cellar, a Dining Room, an Alter Room, a Living Room and an Entertainment Room. There are numerous stairways, one main one which was real wide and several spiral ones that were very narrow.

Outside of the Castle, a Horse Stable was seen. There were two stalls for Kellie's horses.

Because of the Castle's building, I think "Kellas House" was turned into the servants quarter. The Kitchen, the Rooms and the Worker's Medical Rooms were all spotted in "Kellas House".

There was a Tunnel in between "Kellas House" and "Kellie's Castle". It looks like a well due to its round shape. This tunnel leads to an Indian Temple some 500 meters from the Castle but the Government people closed it down for security reasons.

It is rumored that Kellie's Castle is haunted because of all these tragedies (numerous of his workers died from what was believed to be the Yellow Fever Epidemic) while constructing the Castle as well as the untimely death of Kellie.

Some says that the "Mysterious Corridors" (the corridors of the Castle on the Ground Floor where all the M
ain Rooms are and the First Floor where all the family member's Bedrooms are) is still walked by the spirit of William Kellie. Some visitors have claimed that they feel "watched" when they stand on the grounds of the Castle. Some says they've seen "shadows and flashes" from the Spirit World while they were there.

I did not encounter s
uch things. Maybe it was because I was as happy as a bunny in spring time when I was there, witnessing and experiencing the rich history of my country. Or maybe it was because I'm so wrapped up in exploring the Castle that I failed to notice these rumored paranormal stuff...:confused:

Either way, Kellie's C
astle is a must see for every historical building enthusiasts. It's pretty out of the way but it's worth the trip.

(p.s. No one knows for sure what happened to Agnes and the kids after Kellie's death but it's believed that Agnes sold the Castle to someone after her husband passed on and returned to Scotland)

>>Here i show u guys some of my pictures at Kellie's Castle

(At the "Mysterious Corridors")

(On the top of kellie's castle r0of - haha my brother was scared...) :lol:

Especially 4 En. Khirul

To En. Khirul;

This is my blog as u want us 2 make our own blog so i start interested with this websites when i'm doing my blog.. so thanks coz asked us 2 doing this blog as our asgmnt... hehehe... so check it out!

Sincerely from;
Student 5th sem
Bachelor in Networking Tech

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Irashaimasu minna!!!!

Irashaimasu minna!!!!

This is my 1st blog n i want to share to u guys about 'WELCOME' word in others language.. so u can learn it.. check it out!

Abenaki (Maine USA, Canada) Kolipaio
Achi (Baja Verapaz Guatemala)[come in] Cat oc lok paja
Adyghe (Middle East) Keblar
Adyghe (Middle East) Fesapshi
Afrikaans (South Africa) Welkom
Ainu [Saru dialect] (Japan) Ahup yan
Aklanon (Philippines) Mayad-ayad nga pag-abot
Alabamu (Texas USA) [to one person] Ont&iaacute;
Alabamu (Texas USA) [to several] Ontitoka
Alabamu (Texas USA) [to several] Ontitokaaha
Alabamu (Texas USA) [to several] Ontiibíyoka
Albanian (Albania, Yugoslavia) Mirë se vini
Albanian (Albania, Yugoslavia) Mirë se erdhët
Aleut (Alaska, Siberia) Aang
Alsatian (Alsace France) Willkomme
Altai (Russia) Jedip kelgeneerle utkïp turum
Altai (Russia) [come in] Kirzeer
Amharic (Ethiopia, Israel, Egypt) Selam
[Anishinaabe, see Ojibwe]
Apache (Arizona USA) [to man] Skee-kizzen
Apache (Arizona USA) [come in] Ha'ándáh
Arabic (Middle East, North Africa) Merhaba
Arabic (Egypt) Marhaban
Arabic (Egypt) Ahlan wa sahlan
Arabic (North Africa) MarHaban
Aragonese (Aragon Spain) [to group] Biemplegaus
Aragonese (Aragon Spain) [to a male] Biemplegau
Aragonese (Aragon Spain) [to a female] Biemplegada
Aragonese (Aragon Spain) [fem. group] Biemplegadas
Arberesh (Sicily Italy) Mire se vini
Arberesh (Sicily Italy) Mireserdhet
Armenian [Western] (Armenia) [formal] Pari yegak
Armenian [Western] (Armenia) [inf.] Pari yegas
Armenian [Eastern] (Armenia) Barev hyer
Aromunian (Greece, Balkans) Ghini vinishi
Arrernte (Australia) Werte marda
Asante (Ghana) Akwaaba
Asturian (Spain) Afayaivos
Asturian (Spain) [to man] Bienveníu
Asturian (Spain) [to woman] Bienvenida
Ateso (Uganda) Karibu
Aymará (Bolivia, Peru, Chile) Purintaxa
Aymará (Bolivia, Peru, Chile) Uinuinirutau
Aymará (Bolivia, Peru, Chile) Suma-uthma
Aymará (Bolivia, Peru, Chile) Jawilla
Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan, Iran) Xosh gälmìsän
[Aztec, see Náhuatl]

Bakweri (Cameroon) E~le
Balanta (Guinea-Bissau) Abala, lite utchole
Balinese (Bali Indonesia) Om swastyastu
Balochi (Pakistan, Iran) Khush amdeed
Balti (Tibet) Yang shok
Bambara (Mali) Kanani n'oumagner
[Bangla, see Bengali]
Baoula (Cote d'Ivoire) Akwaba
[Basa Sunda, see Sundanese]
Bashkir (Russia) Rekhim itegez
Basque (Spain, France) Ongi etorri
Basque (Spain, France) Ongi etorria
Basque (Spain, France) [to several p.] Ongi etorriak
Basque (Eastern Spain, Eastern France) Untsa jin
Bella Coola (North America) Yaw
Belorusian (Belarus) Shchyra zaprashájem
Belorusian (Belarus) Zaprashajem
Belorusian (Belarus) Z dobym prybytsyom
Bemba (Zambia, Congo-Kinshasa) Mwaiseni
Bemba (Copperbelt Zambia) Mwapoleni
Bemba (Southern Zambia) Mwabonwa
Bemba (Zambia, Congo) [come in please] Ingileni
Bengali (India, Bangladesh) Shagatom
Bicol (Philippines) Magandang umaga po
Bislama (Vanuatu) Welkam
Bosnian (Bosnia and Hercegovina) Dobro dosli
Bosnian (Bosnia and Herceg.) [reply] Bolje vas nasli
Breton (Brittany France) Degemer mat
Bukusu (Mt. Elgon Kenya) Namwikhoyele
Bukusu (Mt. Elgon Kenya) Namusangalile
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) [to one person] Dobre doshal
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) [to several] Dobre doshli
Bura (Nigeria) Ali
Bura (Nigeria) Ale
Bura (Nigeria) Lali
Bura (Nigeria) Lale
Bura (Nigeria) Maraba
Burmese (Myanmar) Mingalaba
[Byelorussian, see Belorussian]

[Cambodia, see Khmer]
Cantonese (China) Foon ying
Cassubian (Northweast Poland) Witôjtaz
Catalan (Spain, France) [to group] Benvinguts
Catalan (Spain, France) [to one male] Benvingut
Catalan (Spain, France)[to one female] Benvinguda
Catalan (Spain, France)[to group-fem.] Benvingudes
Chamorro (Guam) Hafa adai
Chechen (Northern Caucasus) [to man] Märsha wooghiil
Chechen (Northern Caucasus) [to woman] Märsha yooghiil
Chechen (Northern Caucasus) [to group] Märsha dooghiil
Cheyenne (United States) Va'ohtama
Cheyenne (United States) [come in] N´'éstséhnêstse
Chichewa [Chewa] (Malawi) Tikulandirani
Chichewa [Chewa] (Malawi) Mwalandiridwa
Chichewa [Chewa] (Malawi) Taone
[Chinese, see Cantonese and Mandarin]
Chinyanja (Zambia, Mozambique) Mwalandiridwa
Chinyanja (Africa) [come in] Lówání
[Chippewa, see Ojibwe]
Chishona (Zimbabwe) Titambirei
Chishona (Zimbabwe) Titambire
Chishona (Zimbabwe) Mawuya
Chitonga (Zambia) Mwabonwa
Chitonga (Zambia) Mwabonwa bassa noose
Chitonga (Zambia) [come in please] Kamunjila
Chitumbuka (Malawi, Zambia) Taone
Choctaw (United States) [come in] Ant chukoa
Chorti (Guatemala) [come in] Ochen macu'
Chuuk (Micronesia) Ran allim
Chuuk (Micronesia) Ráán ánnim
Chuuk (Micronesia) [to a man] Ráán ánnim o
Chuuk (Micronesia) [to a woman] Ráán ánnim ne
Chuuk (Mortlock Micronesia) Ráán állim
Chuuk (Chuuk Lagoon Micronesia) Ran annim
Chuvash (Russia) Yra sunsa ketetper
Comoran (Comoros) Karibu
Cornish (Cornwall UK) Dynnargh
Cornish (Cornwall UK) Dynnargh dhis
Corsican (Corsica) Siate u ben vinutu
Cree (Canada) Wachiya
Crioulo (Cape Verde, SaoTome&Principe) Benvindo
Croatian (Croatia, Bosnia) [to group] Dobro došli
Croatian (Croatia, Bosnia) [to male] Dobro došao
Croatian (Croatia, Bosnia) [to female] Dobro došla
Croatian (Croatia, Bosnia) [group-fem] Dobro došle
Czech (Czech Republic) Vítejte
Czech (Czech Republic) Vitame vás
Czech (Czech Republic) Srdechne vitam

Dagaare (Ghana, Burkina Faso) Fo sori?
Dagaare (Ghana, Burkina Faso) Nsai
Dakota [Sioux] (United States) Hau koda
Dakota [Sioux] (United States) Hau
Dani (Indonesia) [man to a man] Nayak
Dani (Indonesia) [man to] Nayak lak
Dani (Indonesia) [by/to a woman] La'uk
Dani (Indonesia) [by/to women] La'uk nya
Danish (Denmark) Velkommen
Dawan (West Timor Indonesia) Tkoenok tem
Dayak-Iban (Sarawak Malaysia) Selamat datai
Dekelh (Canada) [sit down - to one] Sinda
Dekelh (Canada) [sit down - to two] Sahke
Dekelh (Canada) [sit down - to 3+] Dahuts'i
Dekelh (Canada) [sit down - to 3+] Delhts'i
Dhivehi (Maldives) Us-salaam alaikum
Djabugay (Australia) Djirri-nyurra
Dusun (Sabah Malaysia) Kasanangan do kinorikatan
Dutch (Netherlands, Belgium) Welkom
Dutch (Netherlands, Belgium) Van harte welkom
Dyirbal (Australia) Nginda wundyjangum
Dzongka (Bhutan) Tashi delek

Egyptian (ancient Egypt) Iiwy
Egyptian (ancient Egypt) Iiwy em hotep
Egyptian (ancient Egypt) Iiwy em hotep nefer weret
Egyptian (ancient Egypt) Ak em hotep
Ekegusii (Kenya) Kwareganigure
English (America, Britain) Welcome
English [old English] (old Britain) Wilcume
[Eskimo, see Inuktitut and Inuttut]
Esperanto (international use) Bonvenon
Esselen (California United States) I-yu-i-yu
Estonian (Estonia) Tere tulemast
Ewe (Ghana, Togo) Weizo

Fang (Gabon, Equatorial Guinea) Ye oso mvoé
Fante (Ghana) Akwäba
Fante (Ghana) [come in] Am&etilde;e
Faroese (Faroe Islands) Vælkomin
Farsi (Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan) Khosh aamadid
Fijian (Fiji) Bula vinaka
[Filipino, see Tagalog]
Finnish (Finland) Tervetuloa
[Flemish, see Dutch]
Fon (Benin, Togo) Doo nù mi
Fon-Gbe (Benin) Kuabo
French (Europe, Africa, America) Bienvenue
Frisian (Netherlands) Welkom
Frisian [North] (Germany) Wäljkiimen
Frisian [South] (Saterland, Germany) Wilkemen
Friulian (Italy) Benvignût
Friulian (Italy) Benrivât
Fulani [Pular] (West Africa) A jaraama
Fulani [Pular] (West Africa) Lale
Fuuta Jalon (Guinea) Toolii

Ga (Ghana) Heni odjen
Gagauz (Moldova) Khosh geldiniz
Galician (Spain) [to man] Benvido
Galician (Spain) [to woman] Benvida
Galician (Spain) [to several men] Benvidos
Galician (Spain) [to several women] Benvidas
Galician (Spain) [to men and women] Benvidos
Garifuna (Guatemala) [come in] Belú bá
Georgian [Kartuli] (Georgia) Mobrdzandeet
German (Central Europe) Willkommen
German (Zurich Switzerland) Willkumm
German [Südhessisch] (Germany)[spoken] Welkumme
Giryama (Africa) Zhoyo
Greek [Hellenic] (Greece, Cyprus) Kalos orisate
Greek [classical] (ancient Greece) Chaire
[Greenlandic, see Inuttut]
Griko (Salento Italy) [to a man] Kalo's i'rte
Griko (Salento Italy) [to a woman] Kali' i'rte
Griko (Salento Italy) [to a group] Kalo's i'rtato
Griko (Salento Italy) [to a group] Kali' i'rtato
Guanche (Canary Islands) Sansofé
Guarani (Paraguay) Tapeguahê porãite
Guarani (Paraguay) Tereguahê porãite
Guarani (Paraguay) Tapeguahepora
Gujarati (Gujarat State, India) Swaagat
Gujarati (Gujarat State, India) Ao padharo
Gunggari (Australia) Gnunha yinda murdi
Guugu Yimithirr (Australia) Ngauthaan-thirr, gadiiwawu-wi
Gwich'in (Alaska) Nakhwal'in shoo ihlii

Hakka (Guangdong, Fujian China) Fon ngiang
Hassaniya (Mauritania) Ehlen
Hausa (West Africa) Barka dá zuwá
Hausa (West Africa) Sànnu dá zuwá
Hausa (West Africa) Barká maràbá da zuwà
Hausa (West Africa) Lafia
Hausa (West Africa) Lafia lau
Hawaiian (Hawaii) Aloha mai
Hawaiian (Hawaii) Komo mai
Hawaiian (Hawaii) Kipa aloha
Hebrew (Israel) [to a man] Baruch haba
Hebrew (Israel) [to a woman] Brucha haba'a
Hebrew (Israel) [to several men] Bruchim habayim
Hebrew (Israel) [to several men] Bruchim habaim
Hebrew (Israel) [to several women] Bruchot haba'ot'
Hebrew (Israel) [to several women] Bruchot habaot
[Hellenic, see Greek]
Hindi (India) Swaagatam
Hindi (India) Suswaagatam
Hindi (India) [come in] Aayiye
Hmong Daw (Laos, Thailand) Tuaj los
Hmong Daw (Laos, Thailand) [to one] Koj tuaj los
Hmong Daw (Laos, Thailand) [to two] Neb tuaj los
Hmong Daw (Laos, Thailand) [to group] Nej tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [to one] Koj tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [answer] Kuv tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [to two] Meb tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [answer] Wb tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [group] Nej tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [answer] Peb tuaj los
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) Zoo siab tos txais koj
Hmong Njua (Laos, Thailand) [group] Zoo siab tos txais nej
Hñähñu [Otomí] (Mexico) Hats'i
Hokkien (Taiwan) Hoan ging di lai kao
Hopi (Southwestern USA) Keuwawata
Hungarian (Hungary) [formal] Isten hozta
Hungarian (Hungary) [informal] Isten hozott
Hungarian (Hungary) Üdvözöljük

Icelandic (Iceland) [to a man] Velkominn
Icelandic (Iceland) [to a woman] Velkomin
Icelandic (Iceland) [to group of men] Velkomnir
Icelandic (Iceland) [group of women] Velkomnar
Icelandic (Iceland) [to a mixed group] Velkomin
Icetot (Uganda) Ilomunities
Icetot (Uganda) Atsua marang
Igbo (Nigeria) Ilo la
[Ik, see Icetot]
Ilokano (Philippines) Dumanon cayo
Ilokano (Philippines) Umuneg cayo
Ilokano (Philippines) Naimbag nga isasangbay
Ilokano (Philippines) Naragsak nga isasangbay
Ilonggo (Philippines) Maligayang pagdating
Indonesian (Indonesia) Selamat datang
Innu (Labrador and Quebec Canada) Waachiyaa
Interlingua (constructed) Benvenite
Inuktitut [Eskimo] (Canada) Khanog illinga vet
Inuktitut [Eskimo] (Canada) Tunngasugit
Inuktitut [Eskimo] (Canada) Vlalisanamila
Inuktitut (Alaska) Qaimarutin
Inuttut [Greenlandic] (Greenland) Tikilluarit
Inuttut [Greenlandic] (Greenland) Tikilluaritsi
Irish Gaelic (Ireland) Céad míle fáilte romhat
Irish Gaelic (Ireland) Fáilte
Italian (Central Europe, East Africa) Benvenuto
Italian (Central Europe, East Africa) Benvenuti

Jacaltec (Guatemala) [come in] Ocang tij
Japanese (Japan) Irashaimasu
Japanese (Japan) Yo koso
Japanese [Tosaben] (Shikoku Japan) Oideru
Japanese [Kyo Kotoba] (Kyoto Japan) Oideyasu
Javanese (Java Indonesia) Sugeng rawuh
Jèrriais (Jersey) Beinv'nu
[Jirrbal, see Dyirbal]

Kadazan (Sabah Malaysia) Anangan do kinoikatan
Kadazan (Sabah Malaysia) Kopivosian
Kala Kawaw Ya (Australia) [come in] Aya, ngapa lagiya muyari
Kala Lagaw Ya (Australia) Sew ngapa
Kalmyk (Russia) Irkht erganavidn
Kanienkehaka [Mohawk] (United States) She:kon
Kanjobal [Q'anjob'al] (Guatemala) Okan yul
Kannada (India) Banni
Kapampangan (Philippines) Luid
Kapampangan (Philippines) Maligayang pagdatang
Karaim (Trakai Lithuania) Choš kiel'di
Karelian (Russia, Finland) Tulguah terveh
Karelian (Russia, Finland) Terveh tulgua
Kasem (Ghana, Burkina Faso) De N lei
Kasem (Ghana, Burkina Faso) De zaanem
Kaurareg (Australia) [come in] Aye, ngapa mudhiya uth
Kaurna (Southern Australia) Na marni
Kaurna (Southern Australia) [come in] Kawai
Kazakh (Kazakstan) Khosh keldiniz
Kazakh (Kazakstan) Khosh keldinizder
Kekchi (Guatemala) Sa sa' inch'ool wankat arin
Khakhas (Russia) Aalzhy polyngar
Khmer [Cambodian] (Cambodia) Sohm swaakohm
Khmer [Cambodian] (Cambodia) Svaakeatang
Khmer [Cambodian] (Cambodia) Kumpriapsua
Kikongo (Central Africa) Mbote na nge
Kikuyu (Kenya) Ukenereri
Kikuyu (Kenya) Ukaribithio
Kikuyu (Kenya) Ni mwamukirwo
Kimbundu (Angola) Wiza kyambote
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) Urakaza
Kipsigis (Uganda) Ketachok
Kirghiz (Kyrgyzstan) [come in please] Kiriniz
Kirghiz (Kyrgyzstan) [come in please] Kire beriniz
Kirghiz (Kyrgyzstan) [come in please] Ötünüz
Kirghiz (Kyrgyzstan) [come in please] Ötüup ketiniz
Kirghiz (Kyrgyzstan) Kosh kelenizder
Kiribati (Kiribati) Mauri
Kirundi (Burundi) Kaze
Kiswahili (Southeast Africa) Karibu
Kiswahili (Southeast Africa)[to house] Karibu nyumbani
Kiswahili (Southeast Africa) [inside] Karibu mpaka ndani
Klallam (Washington United States) Sha?shu?lh cn ?a? chi nstachi
Klallam (Washington USA) [come in] ?en?á chi ch'éyexw
Komi-Permyak (Russia) Koram pyrny
Komi-Zyryan (Russia) Vidza koram
Konkani [Konknni] (India) [honorific] Yeyachi
Konkani (India) [non-honorific] Yo
Konkani (India) Yeya
Korean (Korea) Hwangyong-hamnida
Korean (Korea) Oso oseyo
Koromfe (Burkina Faso) Ng jabre
Koromfe (Burkina Faso) [answer by man] Matee
Koromfe (Burkina Faso) [ans. by woman] Wang
Koyukon (Alaska) Enaa neenyo
Kpelle (Liberia) Ba ngung
Kpelle (Liberia) Ya ngung
Krio (Sierra Leone) Kushe
Krio (Sierra Leone) Kahbo
Kumeyaay (Southern California) Kwahaup
Kuna (Panama) Nuegambi uese be noniki
Kurdish (Middle East) Hun bi xer hatin
Kupsapiny (Uganda) Chetorochak
Kwakwaka'wakw [Kwakiutl] (Canada) Gila kasla
Kwanyama (Angola, Namibia) Owe uya po
Kwanyama (Angola, Namibia) Omwe uya po
Kweyòl (Haiti) Byenvini

Lacandon (Chiapas Mexico) [come in] Or ken
Ladin (Italy) Benunì
Ladin (Badia Valley Italy) Bëgnudüs
Ladino (Spain) Bienvenida
Lahu (China, Myanmar, Thailand) A-kk'aw la
Lao (Laos) Yin dee torn lap
[Lappish, see Sami]
Latvian (Latvia) Esiet sveicinati
Latvian (Latvia) Laipni ludzam
Lenape (Delaware USA) Temike
[Leonese, see Lleonese]
Lingala (Congo) Boyei bolamu
Lingala (Congo) Oyei oi
Lingua Franca (Mediterranean) Benvenuto
Lisu (Thailand) [come in the house] Hiku a nat la
Lithuanian (Lithuania) Sveiki
Lithuanian (Lithuania) Sveiki atvyke
Lithuanian (Lithuania) [to a man] Sveikas atvykes
Lithuanian (Lithuania) [to a woman] Sveika atvykusi
Lithuanian (Lithuania) [to sev. women] Sveikos atvykusios
Livonian (Livonia) Terinch tulmõzt
Livonian (Livonia) Volgid terinch tulmõzt
Livonian (Livonia) Volgid terintõt
Lleonese (Spain) Bienveníos
Luganda (South Uganda) Tukusanyukidde
Luganda (South Uganda) [to several] Tubasanyukidde
Luganda (South Uganda) Kalibu
Luxemburgish (Luxemburg) Wëllkomm

Mabuiag (Australia)[come in the house] Aye, ngapa mudhiya uth
Macedonian (Macedonia) Dobre doshle
Macedonian (Macedonia) Dobre dojdovte
Macedonian (Macedonia) [reply] Dobro ve najdovme
Makah (Washington USA) Hooy
Malagasy (Madagascar) Tonga soa
Malay (Malaysia, Brunei) Selamat datang
Malayalam (India) Swagatam
Maltese (Malta) Merhba
Mam (Guatemala) Mápa tzúla
Mam (Guatemala) [answer] May
Mambwe (Tanzania, Zambia) [come in] Kaliu
Mampruli (Ghana) Gyaari
Mandarin [Chinese] (China) Huan yin
Mandarin [Chinese] (China) Huan ying
Mandinka (Gambia) Bisimallah
Manx (Isle of Man UK) Failt
Manx (Isle of Man UK) She dty vea
Maohi (South Pacific) Maeva
Maori (New Zealand) Haere mai
Maori (New Zealand) Nau mai
Maori (New Zealand) Tahuti mai
Maori (Cook Islands) Kia orana
Maori (Cook Islands) Turou
Mapudungun (Chile) [have a seat] Anüge
Marathi (India) [come in] Krupayaa aatuyaa
Marathi (India) [to a man, in a store] Yaa saheb
Mari (Russia) Ulo kumyn denen zhyna
Mari (Russia) Poryn vashliyna
Marshallese (Marshall Isl. [come in] Jouj im drelon
Marshallese (Marshall Islands) Yokwe yok
[Maya, see Yucatec Maya]
Mende (Sierra Leone) Á seneo
Menomini (North America) Posoh
Meriam Mir (Australia) Maiem
Miami (Oklahoma USA) Aya aya
[Miao, see Hmong]
Miccosukee (Florida United States) Che hun tah mo
Mien [Yao] (Laos, Thailand) [come in] Bieqc biauv oc
Mien (Laos, Thailand) [come in] Bieqc oc
Mien (Laos, Thailand) A'hneiv zipv meih
Mina (Togo) Wezon
Minangkabau (West Sumatra Indonesia) Salamaik datang
Mixtec (Estetla Mexico) [come in] Ne'e ve'e
[Mohawk, see Kanienkehaka]
Mohican [Mohegan] (USA) [be at home] Komeekha
Moldavian (Moldova former USSR) Bien ati veni
Monegasque (Monaco) Benvegnüu
Mongolian (Mongolia) Tavtai moril
Mongolian (Mongolia) Sain irsenee
Mòoré [Mossi] (Burkina Faso) Yèhla
Mordvin (Russia) Kenyardtano eizenk
Morisyen (Mauritius) Allo qui maniere

Náhuatl [Aztec] (Mexico, El Salvador] Ximocehuitzino
Náhuatl [Aztec] (Mexico, El Salvador] Ma moyolihcatzin
Náhuatl [Aztec] (Mexico) [plural] Nanmoyolihcatzin
Náhuatl [Aztec] (Mexico, El Salvador) Ahuiyacan
Náhuatl [old: Aztec Empire] [come in] Xicalaquican
Nakota (USA, Canada) [come in] Tin u
Nauru (Nauru) Talofa
Navajo (SW USA) [come in- to one] Yah aninááh
Navajo (SW USA) [come in- to two] Yah ooh'aash
Navajo (SW USA) [come in- to three +] Yah oohkááh
Naxi (Yunnan China) Kuq xeq
Ndebele (South Africa) Siyaalemukela
Nenets (Russia) Tyuda'
Nepali (Nepal) Swagatam
Newari (India, Nepal) Lasa-kusa
Nez Perce (Idaho USA) 'Á-cim
Ngbaka (Africa) Dé téá
Niuean (Niue) Fakaalofa lahi atu
Norwegian (Norway) Velkomen
[Ñähñu, see Hñähñu]
[Occitan, see Provencal]

Ojibwe [Anishinaabe] (Canada) Biin dig gain
Ojibwe [Anishinaabe] (Canada) Mino-o dapin
Oriya (India) Aasantu
Oromo [Galla] (Kenya, Somalia) Simad'd'a
[Otomí, see Hñähñu]

Pa'ikwene (Amazon) [to a man] Paraknaba
Pa'ikwene (Amazon) [to a woman] Par'knabai
Paipai (Southern California USA) Myu
Paipai (Southern California USA) Miu
Palauan (Palau) Alii
Papiamentu (Dutch Antilles) Bon bini
Pashto (India) Pe kher ragle
Pashto (India) [please sit down] Lutfan kena
[Pidgin English, see Tok Pisin]
Plattdeutsch (N. Germany, Friesland) Willkamen
Pocomchi (Guatemala) [come in] Oquen
Polish (Poland) [to one, familiar] Witaj
Polish (Poland) [to several people] Witajcie
Polish (Poland) [by one person] Witam
Polish (Poland) [by several people] Witamy
Polish (Poland) [by several people] Witamy serdecznie
Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil) Bem-vindo
Potowatomi (United States) Bozho
Provencal [Occitan] (France) Planvienguda
Provencal [Occitan] (France) Benvenguda
[Pular, see Fulani]
Punjabi (India) Sushri akal
Punjabi (India) Ji ayan nun
Punjabi (India) Ji aian nu

[Q'anjob'al, see Kanjobal]
Quechua (Cuzco Peru) [come in] Pasaykamuy
Quichua(Ecuador)[please come entering] Shamupai
Quichua(Ecuador)[please come entering] Yaicumupailla
Quichua (Ecuador) Alli shamushca capay

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Iorana
Reunion Creole French (Reunion) Oté
Romani [Gypsy] (Central Europe) Mišto avilan
Romani [Gypsy] (Central Europe) Mišto reslan
Romani [Gypsy] (Central Europe) Kušti bok
Romanian (Romania) Bun venit
Romanian (Romania) Bine ati venit
Romansch [Raeto-Romance](Switzerland) Bainvegni
[Runasimi, see Quechua]
[Runa Shimi, see Quichua]
Russian (Russia) Dobro pozhalovat'

Saami [Davvi Saami] (Scandinavia) Bures boahtin
Saami [South Saami] (Scandinavia) Buerie biejjie
Saami [South Saami] (Scandinavia) Burie båeteme
Saami [Skolt Saami] (Russia) Puä'ð tiõrvân
Saami [Skolt Saami] (Russia) Pue'tted kiõccâd
Saami [Inari Saami] (Russia) Pyerestpuáttim
Saami [Inari Saami] (Russia) Pyereest puáttim
Samoan (Samoa) Maliu mai
Samoan (Samoa) Sosopo mai
Samoan (Samoa) Afio maia
Samoan (Samoa) Talofa lava
Sango (Central African Republic) Ndjoni gango
Sardinian (Italy) Bene bennios
Sarnami (Suriname, Holland) Swaagat
Sarnami (Suriname, Holland) [formal] Marhaba
Sarnami (Suriname, Holland) [informal] Aao
Scottish Gaelic (Scotland) Fàilte
Scots (Scotland) Walcome
Scots [Ulster Scots](Northern Ireland) Fair faa ye
Sepedi [Sotho] (South Africa) [noun] Kamogelo
Sepedi [Sotho] (South Africa) [verb] Amogela
Serbian (Serbia, Bosnia) [to a group] Dobrodoshli
Serbian (Serbia, Bosnia) [to 1 man] Dobrodoshlo
Serbian (Serbia, Bosnia) [to 1 woman] Dobrodoshla
Serbian (Serbia, Bosnia) [sev. women] Dobrodoshle
Seselwa (Seychelles) Byenveni
Sesotho (Lesotho, South Africa) Tama
Sesotho (Lesotho, South Africa) [noun] Kamohelo
Sesotho (Lesotho, South Africa) [verb] Amohela
Setswana (S Africa, Botswana) Goroganga ka pula
Setswana (S Africa, Botswana) [noun] Kamogelo
Setswana (S Africa, Botswana) [verb] Amogela
Shanghainese (Shanghai China) Hue ying
Shelta (Ireland, USA) [no longer used] Graaltcha
Sherpa [Helambu] (Nepal, Tibet) Phep nang dong
Sherpa [Solu] (Nepal, Tibet) Lasse
Shetlandic (Shetlands, Scotland, UK) In buis
Shimasiwa (Comoros) Karibu
Shor (Russia) [come into the house] Emge kiraar
Sicilian (Italy) Benvinutu
Silozi (Zambia) Mulumeni
Silozi (Zambia) [come in please] Amukena
Sindhi (India, Pakistan) Khush amdeed
Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) Piliganimu
Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) Ayubowan
Sioux [see Dakota]
Siswati (Swaziland, South Africa) Sondzela
Slovak (Slovakia) Vitajte
Slovenian (Slovenia) [to one man] Dobrodošel
Slovenian (Slovenia) [to one woman] Dobrodošla
Slovenian (Slovenia) [to two men] Dobrodošla
Slovenian (Slovenia) [to two women] Dobrodošli
Slovenian (Slovenia) [1 man & 1 woman] Dobrodošla
Slovenian (Slovenia) [3 or more] Dobrodošli
Slovenian (Slovenia) [3 or more women] Dobrodošle
Somali (Somalia, Ethiopia) Soo dhawoow
Sorbian [Upper Sorbian] (Germany) Witany
Sorbian [Upper Sorbian] (Germany) Witajce k nam
[Sotho, see Sepedi and Sesotho]
Spanish (Spain, America) [to group] Bienvenidos
Spanish (Spain, America) [to male] Bienvenido
Spanish (Spain, America) [to female] Bienvenida
Spanish (Spain, America) [to females] Bienvenidas
Sumbanese (Indonesia) Silamo
Sundanese [Basa Sunda] (Indonesia) Wilujeng Sumping
Swedish (Sweden) Välkommen

Tagalog (Philippines) Mabuhay
Tagalog (Philippines) Maligayang pagdating
Tagalog (Philippines) Tuloy po kayo
Tahitian (Tahiti) Maeva
Tahitian (Tahiti) Maeve, manava
Tajik (Tajikistan) Rahmat
Tamil (India, Southeast Asia) Enna vishayam
Tarahumara (Mexico) [come in; to one] Baquisí
Tarahumara (Mexico) [come in; to sev.] Mo'huisí
Tashkorghani (Central Asia) [sit down] Nith
Tatar (Russia) Hush kildegez
Tatar (Russia) Rekhim itegez
Telugu (India) Suswaagatam
Telugu (India) Swaagatam
Tenaina (Alaska) Chin'an gu hin yu
[Teuso, see Icetot]
Thai (Thailand) Yin dee
Thai (Thailand) Inde torn lap
Thangmi [Thami] (Himalayas) Sewa
Tibetan (Tibet, China) Chaa-phe nang
Tigrigna (Eritrea) Enqai dehan mesakum
Tlingit (Alaska) Yak'ei haat yigoodee
Tokelau (Tokelau Island) Talofa lava
Tok Pisin (Papua New Guinea) Mipela welkam yupela
Tonga (Tonga) Malo e lava mai
Tonga (Tonga) Malo e lelei
Tsimshian (North America) [enter] Ts!i'ona gi'ot
Tukang Besi (Indonesia) Mai 'eka
Tulu (India) Balle
Turkish (Turkey, Northern Cyprus) Hos geldiniz
Turkish (Turkey, North. Cyprus)[reply] Hos bulduk
Turkmen (Turkmenistan) Hosh geldiniz
Tuvaluan (Tuvalu, Nauru) Talofa mai
Tuvan (Russia) [come in please] Kirip moorlañar

Uchinaaguchi (Okinawa Japan) Mensooree
Uchinaaguchi (Okinawa Japan) [come in] Ii misooree
Udmurt (Russia) Gazhaca ëtiskom
Ukrainian (Ukraine) Laskavo prosimo
Ukrainian (Ukraine) Bitaemo
Umatilla (Washington State USA) Nich-che-coogh
Urdu (Pakistan, India) Khush amaadiid
Uyghur (Central Asia) Hosh keldingiz
Uzbek (Uzbekistan) Hush kelibsiz

Valencian (Spain) Benvingut
Veps (Russia) Tervhen tulda
Veps (Russia) Tervhen tuldes
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Chào mung
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Hoan nghênh
Visayan (Philippines) Maayong pagabot
Votic (Russia) Terve tultua

Wallisian (Wallis and Futuna Islands) Malo e lelei
Walloon (Belgium) Wilicom
Warumungu (Australia) [come and sit] Appijira kapi parra mara ngala kanya
Welsh (Wales) Croeso
Wintu (California USA) [come in] 'El-panaman
Wintu (California USA) [come in] Hoh man 'el-pana
Wolof (West Africa) Salam alaikum

Xhosa (South Africa) Siya namkela nonke
Xhosa (South Africa) [noun] Ulwamkelo
Xhosa (South Africa) [verb] Amkela

[Yao, see Mien]
Yiddish (central Europe) Zayt vilkum
Yiddish (central Europe) Zayt bagrist
Yolngu Matha (Australia) Go rali marrtji
Yolngu Matha (Australia) Yo manymak
Yoruba (West Africa) [honorific] E kaabo
Yoruba (West Africa) [non-honorific] O kaabo
Yucatec Maya (Mexico) Tistik
Yucatec Maya (Mexico) Tukin a pakat
Yucatec Maya (Campeche Mexico) Hulel
Yugambeh (Australia) Jingiwalli wahlu
[Yolngu Matha, see Djambarrpuyngu]
Yugur [Western Yugur] (Gansu China) Yahsh mô
Yumpla Tok (Torres Strait Australia) Maiem
Yup'ik (Alaska) Quyana tailuten
Yup'ik (Alaska) Quyana tailuci
Yup'ik (Siberia) Quyanaghhalek tagilusi
Yup'ik (Siberia) [by more than one] Quyakamsi

Zapotec (Mexico) Guens sa bisui yubtu
Zapotec (Mexico) Gashlee
Zapotec (Tehuantepec Mexico) [come in] Byú'u
Zapotec (Tehuantepec)[ans: I'm coming] Mapeka
Zulu (South Africa) Isibingelelo
Zulu (South Africa) [noun] Ukwemukela
Zulu (South Africa) [verb] Emukela